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How does it work?

Podfrica podcast platform is easy, follow the instructions below.

Create your profile

Lets start by creating your author profile

Boost Your Content

You can advertise on Podfrica and boost your page, content and your profile to gain more attention.

Monetize your content

Your content is yours so you have the ability to monetize it and earn from it

Monthly payout

As an Author who Monetize your content and when you build your audience and they stream your content, you earn from it.


Our Listeners Say

We are working hard to give our listeners a one of a kind listening experience with our Podcast Platform as we bring different Podcasters from all over the world to create the biggest collection of African and African Diaspora Podcasters. 

Mr. Al-Hassan H. Bakarr-Kanu Sr.

CEO /Fouder Podfrica 

Listen From Your Mobile

With the Podfrica Mobile Apps on both Android and IOS you can listen to your favorite shows and authors and also explore new ones. 

Premium Podcasts

Enjoy Thousands of Podcasts from Podcasters all over Africa and Beyond and enjoy great podcast at a low price.

Podfrica is Africa’s Podcast Platform. Created by Africa’s First Online Radio Station known as African Radio Online.  Podfrica is here to give a platform for Podcasters or those whom are interested in being a Podcaster, to have a place to create and share their content


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